Wednesday, October 28, 2015

9/24 Pie Palooza!

My Pie!
            3.14159……. That is about how many pies to made today. It felt like more. The wonderful thing about the pies we made is that once the cruse was complete, the fillings were easy to get together and work with. Despite the heat of the kitchen and some sad melting butter we piersevered to finish up some amazing deserts.
Chef Jim Dodge and his apple pie 
            All this talk of pastry has be thinking about the final project. I like the idea of making a tart or something with the puff pastry for desert since it is already made. What I really love the idea of is using the extra puff to make croutons and put them in a soup. They were like air. Buttery air.
I am proud of my patience with the dough and fillings. I have a tendancy to rush things just to move onto the next thing and under stress but I thought I took my time well today and was really ready for what came my way.
Lemon curd tart crusts 

Chef's lemon curd 
I should work on… I need to practice with that a lot more. I need to beef up my rolling out skills a lot…. I should really try to make more complete circles not just lumpy bits.

Take aways
·      To make a napoleon place a dolled out and forked puff on a pan. Place a piece of wet parchment paper on it and it will rise evenly. For the napoleon also put a cookie sheet on top of it to smoosh it down.

·      The almond paste that chef used in the tart is amazing. Try that in a croissant, bear claw, on toast or on a spoon.

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