Sunday, November 8, 2015

11/3 Wine at 11

           Apparently when you are 80 and are an accomplished master chef you get to have wine well before lunch. I witnessed this first hand when we had a Q&A with Jacques and John Claude. We all filled into the room equipped with a list of questions on hand to ask Jacques. Those were promptly thrown out the window when he sat down and it was apparent that all he wanted to do was reminisce and tell stories. John Claude would sometimes start in on his own story out of the blue because he could not hear what was going on. There was not much said that I had not already read in his book but the kind openness of his manner and his teasing friendship made the experience worth more than answers from a paper.

            The afternoon was spent prepping for the event for the following night. Everything was a little scattered but organized chaos reigned in the kitchen. I didn’t exactly work on any one specific team but helped out here and there where I was needed. There was a feeling of relaxed, congenial work that permeated the kitchen were we knew we were all getting lots done but nothing was completely accomplished.
Just an amazing little snack that Jacques whipped up for us

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